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Every account is free for the first fifteen days. After that you can close your account or continue improving yourself. If you wish close your account, we'll get in touch with you to find out why we can't be in a long-term relationship anymore.

That's it. It's an easy commitment. You'll think it's even easier when you see how simple your daily tasks are!

We'll pay you if you don't like it.

If you don't like the results from QuickHabits after 30 days of use...we'll refund your payments AND pay you. $10 actually. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If you followed the rules, gave it a go, and didn't get any results we'll send you money. Tada!

The Rules

That's it. It's an easy commitment. You'll think it's even easier when you see how simple your daily tasks are!

What are you waiting for?

Start now for free! »
